How to wear synthetic wigs
It is no secret that cancer treatments generally result in complete hair loss. While some rare individuals gamely sport a clean shaven hair for the duration of their treatment and recovery period, majority of cancer patients are not really comfortable strutting around public without any hair on their head. Women interested in purchasing quality wigs know they really have to be willing to make an investment for authenticity. Whether you're wearing synthetic wigs because you have lost your hair or you just find it easier to maintain, you have to put in both the time and effort to find the best wigs available in your budget. But even if your budget isn't that large, you can still find wigs that look and feel real without dropping a thousand dollars. ctually, the wigs that are on the market today are so much like the natural hair it is often difficult to tell that an individual is wearing a wig.
Another old fallacy about wigs is the fear that they will blow off in the wind or they will shift. That is another area where the wigs have come along way.The adhesives that now hold the wigs in place are very strong. Much can be done with the wig for the individual that likes to wear their hair short perhaps because it is easier for going to the office or the short hair is much easier to look after.What most of them do is to wear something to cover their bare scalp, usually a hat, a bandanna, or a wig.Of these options, the wig is preferred by most cancer patients because it obviously gives them a more natural look, which in turn makes them feel a lot better about themselves.
Even if they wear a hat or a bandanna, their baldness will still be quite evident and this usually causes a drop in self-esteem. Besides, wearing synthetic hair wigs is a nice opportunity to don new hairstyles that one has never tried before with their real hair.If you are a cancer patient who is about to go wig-shopping and have never worn a wig before in your life, you may easily be confused by all the different available choices out there. In the 16th and 17th centuries, the use of the wig came back into style after falling to the way side after the fall of the Roman Empire. The 16th century was when it started to become used for fashion as well as hair loss. But it was also used for practical reasons, as lice was rampant at the time. The problem lessened after natural hair was removed and synthetic wigs were used, which were easier to rid of lice should they get infested.Wigs were also worn by royalty, which really aided the revival of the wig in general.
For example, Queen Elizabeth I famously wore a red wig, while King Louis XIII and King Louis XIV of France both brought on the trend of men wearing wigs. By the late 1600s, wigs were almost an obligation for men with a high social rank and therefore wig makers were highly sought after and held in high prestige.In the 18th century, mens wigs were powdered to create that white look that we all know well today. Women actually did not wear synthetic wigs for sale at the time, contrary to popular belief. Mens synthetic wigs slowly grew smaller and were used more specifically for professions, particularly in legal systems.If you feel that you do not suit long hair, and you have short hair, and you would like something different than go with a medium length wig. There is much you can do to style this type of wig.
If you want to wear it in a straighter look that will not be a problem, you will find many hairstyles that suit this look. You will be able to bring the bangs forward or take the bangs back and still keep the credibility of the hairline.If you want to curl the wig, you will be able to do that as well provided you have bought a human hair wig and not a synthetic one. Synthetic wigs cannot take the heat. You still have to be very cautious with the human hair wigs as well.Do not be afraid to experiment with your wig styles. Quite often individuals that have bought a wig get into the habit of keeping the style in which it came. The whole purpose of buying the wig is so that you can have a variation.
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