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Climbing a countryside or running down a hill
I was working with someone 1 2 1 last night who talked about their diet was like climbing a mountain and that they are at the bottom of the mountain and the goal was right on the top.
As they talked about the journey in store for them they were using their hands showing the uphill and difficult descent they were going to need to take.They mentioned it like it was literally mount everest by the north face ascent!
But of course my way through life in terms of how hard and how difficult is merely your perception of how hard and difficult it is.I used to it difficult to get up in the morning but now i find it very easy as i have loads of fun things to start, therefore if you believe that getting slim and staying slim is either hard or impossible require go on to prove that to be true.
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By having an short, way too short not to be happy being who you really are unfortunately i lost a close relative yesterday which is obviously always a sad time but also a time for reflection and 'taking stock' of where you are and what life is really all about.For me it has reinforced that life is short and fragile but a gift that generally we are under grateful for.And then you choose and book it!Now i'm sure you enjoy finding your holiday and get excited as you book it as you have something later around.
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